Vy Diep

Vy Diep

Content Writer
Hometown and current city: Saigon, Vietnam
Currently a student at Foreign Trade University

Hello! I am a romantic yet strong Saigonese girl. Goals of my life are appearing as an inspiration to somebody and making this world change positively a little bit because of me. As joining Maze Vietnam is somehow an indirect way to reach them, I will put great effort into writing down beautiful posts with the hope that a large number of travelers fall in love with Vietnam, my amazing homeland.

My favorite quote:
“Chúng ta không bao giờ biết cuộc sống có thật sự công bằng hay không, nhưng mọi việc xảy ra đều có lí do của nó. Ngay cả khi bạn cố gắng hết sức và không đạt được thứ mình muốn cũng không có nghĩa những cố gắng đó là vô nghĩa.” (Khuyết danh)
“We never really know whether life is fair or not, but everything happens for a reason. Even when you try your best yet achieve what you desire, it does not mean your effort is nothing.” (Unknown author)

Check out some travel guide to different places in Vietnam and blog posts written by me below:

    Da Lat Travel Guide

    District 3 Saigon Travel Guide

    District 10 Saigon Travel Guide

    Cu Chi District Saigon Travel Guide